Archives January 2020

AT#50: Eleven Collaboration Principles For Your Digital Transformation

AT#50: Eleven Collaboration Principles For Your Digital Transformation


Architectural Thinking is very much about thinking in elements and relations and becoming aware that “your” sphere of design is only one part of the overall enterprise design. As this enterprise design can only be created together, people need to collaborate. Today’s blog post was written by Hans van Bommel and has originally appeared on his Cycle to Accelerate blog. It discusses collaboration principles for your digital transformation. Enjoy!


Agile primarily is an intangible phenomenon. The most powerful impulse the agile manifesto gave us, is the power to imagine that we can be agile by responding swiftly and adequately to the ever-appearing change. When you start to cycle, you’ll feel this need to be agile more keenly than ever.


When we enter a digital transformation, we need this agile behavior. We cannot do without. Our network, our board, our IT governance, our team and therefore our enterprise will probably not survive without this behavior.


At the same time, if we want to become high performers, knowledge and the way we organize our IT production activities and overcome constraints are even of greater importance. Agile behavior within an organization is therefore also needed to attend to production activities in different roles at different moments in time.


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