The number of maps of potential interest for stakeholders is almost infinite. A comprehensive report by TU Munich shows the vast number of maps that can be generated by enterprise architecture tools. The most expensive tools come with more than two hundred maps. Downsizing the number and complexity of the maps is usually carried out by the tool vendors. The result is that there are no real standards for architectural maps.
What is different in Architectural Thinking?
Architectural Thinking consists of a minimum, core set of maps that are independent of tool vendors, self explanatory and have been proven in practice. All of the maps have been accepted by various business roles. This is important to fostering the buy-in of roles that are typically not architecture oriented.
Companies are encouraged to extend the small set of valuable maps according to their usage scenarios. Compared to what enterprise architecture tools provide, the approach is vice-versa: while existing tools provide a maximum-fits-all approach that must be downsized, Architectural Thinking defines a powerful core that can be extended by companies.